Official Author Standard

Characteristics that define an Official Author


1. Profile Completeness

Official Authors use unique profile photos that identify and make them recognizable within the Loop Community. A small biography and a link to the Twitter profile (which assumes its use) make a complete profile.

2. Quality content

Ability to express developed concepts, stay on topic with the subject of the article, and express personal opinions, whether it is text or a video.

3. Respect for the minimum article length requirements

The minimum length required to publish an article is 300 words; however, to cover a topic well you need at least 700-800 words or, as requested in the bounties, 1200 words. For video content, at least 2 minutes is the minimum expected length.

4. Originality

Every form of plagiarism is forbidden. This includes sophisticated plagiarism consisting of copying content, not citing images gathered from other sites, changing word order, and mixing sentences to escape anti-plagiarism software. These are all monitored. Plagiarism will result in loss of author status and LOOPR rewards.

5. Correct source citation

Cite all sources in your articles and videos. Taking inspiration from existing content is not forbidden, as long as used to expand your topic and the source is properly cited. If using images, also cite their source.

6. Attention to article layout

  • Provide appropriate and relevant titles and subtitles,

  • select relevant cover images (better if original or from copyright-free source),

  • use short/frequent paragraphs,

  • use relevant images to enhance the text of the article,

  • and use proper spacing and font size, dividers, and special characters.

7. Consistency

Publishing on a consistent basis will be to the user's benefit. One article/video per day is not required, but authors who are inconsistent are less likely to succeed on Loop Community. Suggestion: Aim to publish content at least 1-3 times per week.

8. Ability to choose correct categories

Loop Community content is focused on cryptocurrency, blockchain, and NFTs. Official Authors are expected to be familiar with this rule. The ability to correctly choose a category related and niched to your topic is paramount.

9. Engage the audience

When readers take time to both read your articles and write genuine comments, the least an author can do is respond to these comments.

10. Interaction with other authors

Communities are made of interactions. Official Authors lead by example, not only by composing great content, but also by interacting with other authors with relevant comments.

11. No Spam or Referral Links

The use of referral links is not allowed in articles or comments unless the content is over 500 words. Still, writers are limited to:

  • One line for their call to action/referral

  • Link text that accurately describes its destination and topic

12. Use of Social Networks

Successful Official Authors commit to publicizing their articles on social media outside of Loop Community. This helps to popularize the author and Loop Community. Twitter is currently the most effective social media platform for publishing content about cryptocurrency, blockchain, and NFTs.

Last updated