Staking Pools

The simplest way to earn $LOOP! Just stake $LOOP and earn a share of transaction fees on Loop DEX.

Estimated yield from staking is shown on the stake page.

Rewards Distribution

Distributed every 24 hours - but can only be claimed once the full vesting period is complete. The amount of rewards depends on:

  • Amount of rewards allotted to that staking pool (subject to change)

  • Percentage ownership of the staking pool you hold (i.e. if you own 20% of the staking pool, you get 20% of staking rewards)

Rewards Calculation

Staking yield is calculated as Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and is the sum of the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) from transaction fees and staking pool rewards.

  • APR from transaction fees:

APR=DailyVolume0.30percent36525percentAPR = Daily Volume * 0.30percent*365 * 25percent
  • APR from rewards incentives:

APR=(TotalRewards/Days)/(TVL)365APR = (Total Rewards/Days) / (TVL) * 365

Last updated